DoMS Core MBA (IIT Madras) (RTI Based Stats for 2020 - 2022)


DoMS (IIT Madras) - Transparent Stats

Minimum Final Composite Score for Offered

NOTE - There was no PI conducted last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, these scores are static.

Number of Waitlist Movement

NOTE - In the composite score and waitlist movement the meaning of ALL in ST and PWD means that all the candidates who were called for interview were offered admission by DoMS, IIT Madras. Thus, after the admission process was over there were no pending candidates in the ST and PWD category.

Minimum CAT Percentile for Offered Candidates

NOTE - The lowest CAT percentile for PWD is the highest because there were hardly any candidates who applied, all were offered admission yet no candidate took admission due to offers from better institutes.

Important Links related to the Institute - 

  1. Link to official Website -
  2. Link to Placement Reports (Summers) - Placement Report 2021
  3. Link to Placement Reports (Finals) - Placement Report 2020
  4. Link to Selection Process - Composite Score Calculation
  5. Flagship PGP Program Details - Program Details

    Source -

  • This post and the blog have been created for the benefit of MBA aspirants so as to this data which is generally not available in public could be shared.
  • The data can be used for your own purpose as well under the Creative Commons. However, with the restriction that the original author, as well as the original link to the post, should be cited whenever the data is being shared and used.
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  1. Brother, do you know the weightage of each virtual interview,index score and achievements and last year was without PI .So how should we calculate the total score?

    1. Hey AV. So regarding this composite score thing this was what the response stated - "Cut-off for shortlist and final offer are one and the same as PI was not conducted due to COVID-19." And regrading the composite score I think the best thing to do would be drop in an email to the admissions committee. They will give your a much clear picture on the same. Thanks !!!

  2. Hey, Thanks for helping the aspirants. Any updates on Amritsar and Ranchi?

    1. Hey Ansh. I am glad to know this is helping the aspirants. I would be posting Amritsar by tomorrow EOD. Final editing in works. Ranchi I haven't received the response to the RTI as of yet. Hence, I will post as soon as I get that. Thanks !!!

  3. Composite score k liye bhi RTI dalo bhaiii

    1. Hey. Composite score nai the. See in the first comment I have mentioned what was the response to my RTI where I had asked for composite score details. Thanks :)

  4. Please post data for NITIE.

    1. Hey Dinkar. I am waiting to get some data that wasn't provided in the RTI response. I will post the data as soon as I get it. Thanks !!!

  5. Great work 👏
    Best Site to check B-School transparent stats.

    Could you please provide us stats for NITIE PGDIM and IIFT

    1. Hey Chandan. Thank you so much for your appreciation. I am working on both the colleges and have already filed the respective RTI's. Thus, I will post the data as soon as I get it :)

  6. Hi Ronit, how could the minimum cut off for ncobc be 68 when the cut off reqd is 80%ile. Is this information genuine ?

    1. Hey Jim. Every data that I post on this site has been give to me by the respective institutes through RTI. The RTI makes it mandatory to disclose such information asked and the information thus is 100 percent correct as it is directly provided to me by the institute. If you have any doubts I have the official response to my query which I am free to share with you if you wish to verify the same. Thanks !!!

  7. Bro can you please upload CS of IIM Ranchi HRM. Its no where found

    1. Hey. I have filed RTI asking data for Ranchi PGP and HRM programs both. I haven't received the response yet and hence I will post the data as soon as I get it. Thanks !!!

  8. Thanks for your hard work. Any possibility of doing this for IIFT?

    1. Hello. I have already filed RTI to get information for IIFT. Hence, I will post the data as soon as I get it. Thanks !!!

  9. Can you get info of DSE too?

    1. Hey 20thwin. Sure I will try my best to get data for DSE as well. Thanks !!!

  10. Thanks Ronit brother for the IIT M stats. Sincerely appreciate it.
    Looking forward for IIT R, K and NITIE (PGDIM and PGDISEM)

    I understand how tough it is to follow up with your RTI queries. I just hope the Ranchi guys and others provide you the data asap!

    1. Hey CJ. Thank you so much for your appreciation. I have already filed RTIs for most of them and especially for NITIE. So you should get posts for these soon. Thanks !!!

  11. Hey bro , could you please find out the same for IIM Bangalore ( business analytics) ? .. Appreciate the work you are doing for aspirants

    1. Hey Krish. Yes I have filed an RTI for the same with IIM Bangalore. I will post the data as soon as I receive it. Also, thanks a lot for the appreciation :)

  12. Its wonderful! Really a great job of publishing these stats and very much helpful.

    1. Hello and thank you so much for the appreciation :)

  13. Appreciate your efforts for collecting information from various B-schools.

    Can you please provide details for IIT Madras MBA program regarding the Composite Score, Waitlist Movement , Minimum CAT Percentile for Offered Candidates for the years 2018 , 2019 and the other previous years if possible.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hello. And thank you so much for the appreciation.
      I will surely try to get the data and file and RTI soon for the same. :)

    2. Any RTI response for waitlist movement for the year 2019??

    3. Hey. Nothing as of yet. COVID is being the culprit here since colleges are short of staff. And that is causing the delays in RTI replies. I will post the same as soon as I get it. Thanks :)

  14. Any idea on the weightage percentage given to each criteria for shortlisting (acads, work ex, exam score, etc.) ??

    In love with the initiative btw....TIA for everything.

    1. Hey Subhadeep. I am really sorry I have no idea about the weightages given to the various components since even the website does not mention anything.
      Also, thank you so much for all the appreciation :)

  15. Hi. Is this a valid report? What are the odds the waitlist movement would be similar this year in IIT M?

    1. Hey. Yes the data I have listed above is 100 percent correct since it was provided to me by IIT Madras itself under the RTI act. Regarding the odds of waitlist, frankly no one can predict that and it changes each year. So neither can I comment if it would be similar this year. Thanks :)

  16. number of waitlist movement contains first list of shortlisted students or not??

    1. Hey. No generally the waitlist movement starts after the merit list. So it does not contain the first merit list. Thanks :)

  17. Can you share RTI response??

    1. Hey. Yes sure I can do that. Kindly email me your details where you wish to receive the RTI response and I will gladly share the same to you. Thanks :)


    3. Hey Mihir. Thanks for the email. I will send you the RTI response by today EOD. :)

  18. Hi Ronit,

    You are doing a really good job by helping aspirants like me with all this data.

    I believe the data provided by IIT Madras about WL movement is not
    fully correct. Here the last WL OBC is 132 which according to me is not correct. I was OBC WL 137 last year and i converted.

    1. Hey Amit. This is bad because if this is the situation can you please send me your candidate ID or something on email so that I can call IIT Madras first thing in the morning on Monday. This is highly unethical as well as illegal to share wrong data under RTI. Thanks and I am sincerely hoping we can get this verified. :)

  19. Hi Ronit,

    Took some time but I found the screenshots and mails that can really help us out here.

    Please provide your mail ID, I will forward you all the details over there.

    1. Hey Amit. Thanks a ton for the efforts. And sorry for the delay in replying. Could you please forward those details to so that I can take it up immediately with the college authorities. Thank you once again :)

    2. He Rohit, I have sent you a mail with subject 'DoMS IIT Madras || 2020-22 WL movement' . Please check that and take it up with the institute. Request you to keep me updated on this. Thanks!!

    3. Hey Amit. I have received it and will send an appropriate email to the authorities today marking you in cc. Hoping to get this sorted because a college of IIT M stature providing wrong data under the RTI act is insane !!!

    4. Hello Amit, if you are seeing this message, can you please tell me how did the waitlist move last year for all categories i.e. in the first list, second list, etc.

  20. Hey bro could you please share the list wise movement for IIT M??

    1. For last year I have already posted the waitlist movement above. For the current year it would only be available once the admission process is completed. Thanks !!!

  21. Hi Bro can you please do one for IIT jodhpur. The first placement report shows an average placement of 14lpa. A transparent insight on that would be helpful too. Also, I read from your comments that the placement reports are inflated no matter what. But I wanted an idea of how much can they possibly inflate the reports. Thanks.

    1. Hey Ahmad.
      I will definitely try getting the admission stats of IIT Jodhpur.
      However, if you are thinking of putting a RTI to get details on placement reports, no college will share that citing private information.

      And every college inflates the reports EXCEPT those which following the IPRS standards and have their reports audited externally.

    2. Yeah I acknowledge that every college inflates their report but I wanted an idea of how much. For eg. If a college shows an average placement of 12 lpa, will it be safe to assume that the real number can be near 11 lpa? I hope I am making sense.

    3. Hey Ahmad.
      I completely understand that you wish to know the real scenario of placements. But what I wish to tell you is - one you can never come to know about the real stats of placements as that wont be covered under RTI. Second, the inflation changes from college to college. For some it might be 5 percent for some it might even be 25 percent. You can never guess the same. Thanks :)

  22. hello ronit,
    composite score calculation link is forwarding to admission process page. Please share the updated link or if its not there then do share any previous year pdf if you have.
    Thank you

    1. Hello.
      The old link will forward to some other page as the said page was present during last year and it might have been deleted by the institute this time. I am going to post the stats for IIT M soon. So that should solve the issue. Thanks :)


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