DMS Core MBA (IIT Delhi) (RTI Based Stats for 2022 - 2024)


DMS (IIT Delhi) - Transparent Stats

  • This post and the blog have been created for the benefit of MBA aspirants so this data, which is generally unavailable to the public could be shared.
  • The data can be used for your own purpose as well under Creative Commons. However, the restriction is that the original author, as well as the original link to the post, should be cited whenever the data is being shared and used.

Category-wise no. of candidates who filled the application form

Category-wise no. of candidates shortlisted for Interview Round

NOTE - The data related to % of Form Filled gives the percentage of candidates who were shortlisted to the interview round of IIT Delhi over the no. of candidates who had applied to the program while filling the application form.

Category-wise composite score cutoff for the final offer of admission

Category-wise highest composite score for the final offer of admission

Category-wise total no. of students offered the final offer of admission

NOTE - The data related to % of Interview Calls gives the percentage of candidates who were extended the final offer of admission to the MBA program of IIT Delhi over the no. of candidates who were shortlisted for the interview round.

Category-wise Waitlist Movement

Category-wise minimum CAT percentile

Category-wise current class composition

Category-wise vacant seats after admission closure

Important Links related to the Institute - 

  1. Link to official Website -
  2. Link to Placement Reports (Summers) - Placement Report 2023
  3. Link to Placement Reports (Finals) - Placement Report 2022
  4. Link to Selection Process - Composite Score Calculation
  5. Flagship MBA Program Details - Program Details
  6. Fees and Expenses - Program Fees (Page 24)

<<<< DMS IIT Delhi (2021-2023)                            DMS IIT Delhi (2023-2025) >>>>

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey Pranay.
      I have filed for the same. It should be available in a couple of days. Thanks :)

  2. yooo thanks for this! I found I have 0 chance lol, but still thanks!

    1. Hey.
      No worries you shall get a better institute. Hope for the Best :) and Most welcome :)

  3. Pls upload iit delhiā€™s telecom mba data
    Thanks :-)

    1. Hey.
      I shall have the same by next week and would publish as soon as I get the same. Thanks :)

    2. Hi, any update regarding the telecom mba data?

    3. Hey.
      I received the data shall publish the same by Saturday. Thanks :)

  4. what is total in take this year can you please tell for DMS IIT D

    1. Hey.
      I am so sorry but I do not have data related to the intake for this year. However, you could find the same on their website itself or by even dropping an email to the admissions committee. Thanks :)

  5. Looks like IITD offered admission to almost everyone who appeared for the interview. Is this data correct?

    1. Hey.
      Yes the data is correct and has been provided by the institute itself in official capacity. Thanks :)

  6. But how is it possible that institute shall offer the admission to almost everyone appearing for the interview as it will be like exceeding their maximum seat capacity? In case everyone takes admission, how will they accomodate all then as they are having short batches?

    1. Hey.
      Please note the admissions are not offered to everyone in one go. These are offered over multiple rounds by moving through the waitlist. And the reason there are so many offers because the early ones on the waitlist declined their offers due to which the same moved further. Thus, there will never be a case for any institute where the pool got exhausted or the seats fell short of the offers. This is a well calibrated admission strategy over the years. Thanks :)

    2. So the minimum cutoff given above is for the first list or after the final waitlist?

    3. Hey.
      The minimum composite score given is for the final list released by the institute for offered candidates. Thanks :)

  7. So the minimum composite score given above is not for the first list?

    1. Hey.
      No the minimum composite score given is for the final list. Thanks :)

  8. Sir just wanted to know what are my chances of converting IIM Udaipur and IIT D with 97.6 percentile and 9/9/9 plus in 10/12/btech with 2.5 years experience and an average interview in CAPs and a decent one in IIT -GEM?

    1. Hey.
      Looking at your profile and the scores that you have mentioned, it seems you should have a decent chance at both with a better one at IIT D as compared to IIM U. Though this is as per my experience as no one can say anything for sure. Thanks and All the Best :)

  9. Hi, I am waitlisted 250 in the list declared today. What are the chances of getting a seat at DMS.

    1. Hey.
      Looking at the past trends, 250 waitlist actually seems difficult to get a convert and even if the institute offers admission it would be probably in the spot rounds post all the waitlists. Though please note this is as per what I have seen over the years and can go the other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  10. Hi Rohnit can you send the format how you actually fill the RTI, my email id is

    1. Hi Puroshotam.
      I have sent a detailed document that contains step by step details on how to file an RTI. Hope you find that useful :)

  11. Is it possible that I'm waitlisted and not offered admission and the institute releases final merit list?

    1. Hi Vrushabh.
      Yes it is quite possible that you are on waitlist but you never get a convert as the waitlist is always higher than the probable no. of candidates who can convert by all the waitlists. Thanks :)

  12. Hi, I am waitlisted at 72 for mba core. What are my chances of getting an offer ?

    1. Hey.
      72 should be a nearly confirmed chance of getting an offer from the institute even for the core program. You should get it in the next couple of lists. Thanks :)

  13. Hi Rohit,

    is the waitlist common for all categories or individual? I am waitlisted 157 obc? what are my chances

    1. Hey.
      No the waitlist is individual for every category. And as per your rank frankly you are on the very edge and if you convert that would be by the last list or in the spot rounds. Though please note this is as per what I have seen over the years and can go the other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  14. Hi
    I am waitlisted 207
    NC OBC category
    What are my chances to convert iit Delhi?

    1. Hey.
      Frankly saying at 207 the chances look difficult to get a convert. Generally, the waitlist movement stays below 180-185 for NC-OBC category. Though please note this is as per my experience over the years and can go other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  15. Hello sir , I'm offered waitlisting at 325 nc-obc category, is there any chance for me converting it ?

    1. Hey.
      Frankly saying anything above 180-185 in NC-OBC is futile to expect. I would suggest looking for what other alternative colleges you have converted or might convert and then take a call. However, please note this is as per the statistics over the years. Thanks and All the Best :)

  16. Waitlist sc-119 any chance?

    1. Hey.
      Frankly saying a waitlist of 119 in the SC category seems difficult to convert and this is as per the general trends over the past couple of years. Thanks and All the Best :)

  17. Hello Ronit,
    I am waitlisted 159 in IIT Delhi and 459 in IIT Bombay, 213 in IIT Kgp. Are there chances of any of the above converting?

    1. Hi Ajay.
      As per the ranks mentioned above, IIT Delhi is possible but you would need to wait for a few lists before getting the convert.

      As for the other two you are actually on almost the last 5 ranks to get a convert thus it would be a 50-50 chance for the same and if it happens would either be in the last list or the spot rounds if they happen.

      Thanks and All the Best :)

    2. Thanks a lot Ronit!

  18. Hi Ronit,

    Do you how many rounds are conducted for admission, and how we can participate in spot round? Is this info available in DMS department brochure whoch we can refer

    1. Hey.
      The rounds are generally dependent on the no. of vacant seats as well as the institute's internal policies. Thus, there can be no guarantee of the no. of rounds or spot rounds. However, in case the same are conducted the institute intimates you by email about the spot offers. Thanks :)

  19. Is there any data for telecommunications

    1. Hey.
      I have already posted data for all the available years related to DMS MBA-telecom. Please use the same for your reference. Thanks :)

    2. In telecom 90 wait list any chance obc

    3. Hey.
      As per the trends over the last couple of years the total offered has been hovering around 50 which makes your case very difficult. Though please note this is as per what I have seen and may go other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  20. Hi. How often the waitlist are updated. Like what is the frequency.

    1. Hey.
      See I can tell you for SJMSOM it is every week. However, not sure for IIT Delhi. Thanks :)

  21. When will be the first waitlist movement expected, probable date

    1. Hey.
      Well there is no guarantee on the probable date of the waitlist movement. However, it should be available by the next week as per what I have seen. Though if there are no withdrawals then the institute might delay the same as well. Thanks :)

  22. Hello , i am waitlisted at 26 pwd category, is there any chance and if i convert till when will it happen?

    1. Hey.
      As per your category, 26 is a bit on the very edge. Thus, I would rate it as a 50-50 chance with conversion possible in either the last list or the spot rounds if they occur. Thanks and All the Best :)

  23. Hey I have been given Waitlisted28 in SC category. Is there any chance of conversion? in MBA Core

    1. Hey.
      Yes SC-28 should give you a convert in the subsequent waitlists. Though please note this is as per what I have seen over the last couple of years. Thanks and All the Best :)

  24. Hey Ronit! I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share my current situation and seek your opinion. I belong to the ST category and have waitlist positions of WL26 in the core branch and WL10 in the telecom branch. Comparing this year's data to the 22-24 batch, the first waitlist movement was at position 9. However, this year, it happened at position 7. As you can imagine, this has made me quite anxious about my chances of conversion. Typically, waitlist positions tend to decrease with further movements, adding to my concern.

    I was wondering if you could provide some insights or advice on whether I should remain hopeful about converting my waitlist position into an admission. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach me at

    Thanks a lot for your time and support!

    1. Hey Purushotam.
      Considering the situation 26 is slightly on the edge for conversion. Though I still feel you should be able to convert by the last list or the spot rounds if the institute conducts the same. Thanks and All the Best :)

  25. I have 112 WL in nc obc. What are my chances of conversation??

    1. Hey.
      For 112 I feel you should be able to convert by 2nd last or the last list if not prior to that. However, please note this is as per the data and what I have seen over the years and can go other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  26. I am waitlisted at 227 in DMS IIT Delhi, what are the chances and what are the spot round offers ?

    1. Hey.
      Seeing the data that has been provided and the trends 227 is a bit difficult as the waitlist movement if you see has almost always been below 180 for general. Though please note since this changes every year it can go the other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  27. what are spot rounds and what happens in them?

    1. Hey Ananta.
      The spot rounds are conducted by the institute to quickly fill up the remaining vacant seats once a certain percentage of the existing waitlist has been moved. The institute will generally call or drop a message to the waitlisted candidate asking if he/she wants to take admission. And if agreed then a short time of 2 / 3 days is given to pay the initial fees. I hope this should clarify the process. Thanks :)

  28. Hi Ronit,
    In the RTI data, the total admissions offered to the ST candidates are 55. The admissions reserved to the ST's are 9 and the waitlist movement went upto 30.So the Total admissions offered should be 39,But the total admissions offered are 55.How is it possible?

    1. Hey.
      See every institute has something known as a buffer call and in the case of IIT Delhi there is also something know as spot round. Thus, buffer calls in itself means the institute gives admission offers greater than the available seats and this is done to reduce the waitlist movement. These 2 are the major reasons why your calculation does not hold true. Thanks :)

  29. Hi, I have OBC 149. Any chances? In which list? DMS IIT Delhi 2023

    1. Hey.
      OBC 149 seems a bit difficult frankly seeing the waitlist movement over the years. However, if you were to convert it should be either in the last list or spot rounds if the institute conducts them. Though please note this is as per the trends and can go other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  30. ST waitlist 45,any chance?

    1. Hey.
      The ST seats itself being less leads to one of the lowest seat movements across categories. Thus, frankly seeing the trends, 45 seems difficult to convert and even if it does would probably be in spot rounds if the institute does conduct them. Please note that this is purely on experience and statistics and can go other way as well. Thanks and All the Best :)

  31. Waitlist 29 in telecom is there any chance in dms delhi

    1. Hey.
      If the rank you have mentioned is for the General Category, then high chances you would convert in the next 2 rounds or maximum in 3 rounds. Though please note that this is as per the movements I have seen over the years and can go other way if the initial movements are low. Thanks and All the Best :)

  32. Waitlist 72 OBC Category at DMS IIT DELHI, pls guide how much is the chance of getting a seat? Also waitlist 89 OBC after publication of first waitlist at IIM KOJHIKODE, how much is the chance of conversion. Kindly advise.

    1. Hey.
      As per the trends I have seen over the years, I feel you should get a convert from the both the institutes. However, for IIT Delhi you might need to wait for a couple of lists to get the convert. Though please note this is as per the data and my experience over the years. Thanks and All the Best :)

  33. Waitlist 77 OBC at DMS IIT DELHI, how much is the chance of conversion. kindly advise.

    1. Hey.
      As per the trends over the years, 77 should give you a convert. However, you might need to wait for a few lists before getting the admit from the institute. Though please note this is as per the data over the years. Thanks and All the Best :)

  34. Hello Sir. I have been waitlisted at 108 under SC category. Looking at the above data, the waitlist movement is around 60 , any chances to get seat in spot round?

    1. Hey.
      As per the trends 108 does seem extremely difficult. Additionally, for spot round too it is doubtful that the rankings would move so much as the seats for SC are anyways 15 percent of the total available pool. Thanks and All the Best :)

  35. Hey Waitlist 53 in telecom, general what are the chances of conversion this year ?

    1. Hey.
      As per the trends over the last 3 yrs, 53 seems a bit on the outer edge. Though you might get a chance in the spot round if conducted by the institute post seat remaining vacant in the waitlist movement. Thanks and All the Best :)

  36. waitlisted 68 under SC category. Chance of conversion?

    1. Hey.
      Frankly saying 68 under SC category seems a bit difficult to me as the no. of seats are anyways less. So the movement would be difficult. And even if you get it would be in the spot round if the institute conducts the same. Thanks and All the best :)

  37. Sir mba iit delhi telecom 90 waitlist obc any chance sir in spot round

    1. Hey.
      So if your current waitlist is 90 as the college starts spot rounds then it would be very difficult to convert. However, in case your rank has stayed the same as some colleges do then you should have a chance of conversion. Thanks and All the Best :)

  38. ST category Waitlist 22 for MBA (Telecom). Any chance of converting even in last waiting list???

    1. Hey.
      It does seem a difficult to me due to the extremely low no. of seats and also the stats of the past couple of years. Plus the waitlist movements having slowed down in other institutes would also lead to problems in the movement. Thanks and All the Best :)

  39. If the waiting list for telecom is 25 after revised list obc any chances sir

    1. Hey.
      Frankly saying anything for telecom in double digits is difficult since the seats itself are very less. However, please note this is as per the statistics of the last few years. Thanks and All the Best :)

  40. Chances of spot round this year?

    1. Hey
      Generally the college does conduct spot round every year. However, please note it depends on the seat acceptance every year. Thus, nothing can be guaranteed. Thanks and do tell me the latest update :)

  41. Hii Rohit.. Kindly provide iit Guwahati's stats as well.. Thanks!

    1. Hey.
      Definitely I am going to publish the same as soon as I get the required data from the institute. Thanks :)

  42. Hi Ronit,

    Thanks for publishing the data.

    I wanted to know how is it possible that almost all the students who got the interview calls got the offer letter as well ? Is this the trend for IIT Delhi in recent years (2023-25 batch) ?

    1. Hey.
      I am glad you found the data useful.
      And regarding the no. of students who got admission offers that might be the scene because of the waitlist movement going high. We need to check the trend for 2023-2025. I shall be publishing the same today since just received the data yesterday from the institute. Only then shall be knowing if this has become the trend. Thanks :)

    2. Thank You sir for your work!!

    3. Hey.
      Most welcome and I am glad you found the data useful :)

  43. Any confirmation about the result of DMS

    1. Hey.
      Nothing as of yet but generally the institute does release the results by the end of April. Thanks :)

  44. Hello, i am waitlisted at 91 GEN-EWS for IIT Delhi MBA core, is there any chance of conversion? Thank you.

    1. Hey.
      Seeing the waitlist movement over the past few years frankly it does seem a tad bit difficult as the EWS seats are already less as compared to the other categories. But again no one can be 100 percent sure and it can go the other way too. Thanks and All the Best :)

  45. Waiting list 121 for Gen-Ews, any chance for dms?

    1. Hey.
      Considering the movement for EWS in the past few years frankly it seems difficult for an EWS rank greater than 100. But again no one can be 100 percent sure. Thanks and All the Best :)

  46. Hello! I am waitlisted 435, Gen-Ews for IIM raipur. Any chance of converting it?

    1. Hey.
      As per the stats over the last couple of years, 435 in EWS is exceptionally difficult to convert for IIM Raipur. Please do look for a backup option. Thanks and All the Best :)


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